Hi! I'm here from Uncyclopedia to tell you about [The Foreign Office]. It's a page where people from the different uncyclopedias can suggest the best of their articles for translation and steal some of the suggestions that have already been made - basically just a place for exchange of ideas, to get all uncyclopedias to the highest quality. I've set it up temporarily on my user page until someone more important agrees to it being somewhere more important, so hopefully soon it might be in a better location.
If you're interested in cross-translation just enter some articles you think would carry across into English well, and take some of those that are already there and you think could translate well to Danish, also send me a message at en:user_talk:Siddhartha-Wolf Tak! :)
Sounds like a splendid idea to me. Of course the rest of the world can benefit from our nordic unknowledge such as: The danes hate the swedes, the swedes hate the norwegians and the norwegians hate everyone but themself. But who knows anything about a Begmand, Quality Time (Kvalitetstid) or Hammerstruck (Hammerslag). I'll write something in Danish.
Manden vil godt have nogle forslag til artikler som vil gøre gavn i den store vide verden. Tjek lige om billederne er ophavsretsbeskyttet før i foreslår nogen.
- Glad you're interested, feel free to make additions on the list, anyone can edit it :) --Siddhartha-Wolf 14. aug 2009, 08:53 (UTC)
ehm... the norwegians hate everyone but themself takk for den. Liten korrigering, Nordmenn er faktisk glad i danske røde pølser! men over til saken, tok meg en liten tur hit til våre danske naboer for å sjekke stemningen for denne ideen. Personlig likte jeg den veldig godt, og er nå den "norske spesialutsending" til den engelske uncyclopedia for dette prosjektet, og var samtidig interessert i å sjekke stemningen for dette i Sverige og Danmark også. I Sverige er det bare rot, så der fant jeg liten vits i å forsøke å sjekke stemningen. Men hadde likevel vært gøy med litt sammarbeid innad i Skandinavia også på dette feltet. Humoren og svenskevitsene er tross alt ikke fult så ulike i de Skandinaviske landene... Tror vi vil ha en del artikler som kan uproblematisk oversettes mellom oss og som kan være like morsom på norsk som på dansk vice versa mvh: Howie-- 14. aug 2009, 22:35 (UTC)
thumb|300px|Svensk kvindelig værtinde brækker sig under udsendelse, som stjæler penge fra svage sjæle. Hun undskylder sig med menstruation. Det er vist første gang at opkast har været symptom på menstruation.Jeg tænkte nok at der måtte være en nordmænd som reagerede på den her. Sjovt nok elsker danskere nordmænd. Faktisk er den danske pølsevogn ved at uddø, mens at konceptet "Pölsemannen" er blevat en jätte succes hinsidan. Jeg lover at jeg vil kigge på både den norske og den svenske side. Hvis jeg ikke griner på den svenske side laver jeg et svensk login og gør den sjov...på svensk!!
Det at svenskerne ikke kender til æ,ø og å kan være fordi, de i virkeligheden er en tysk delstat. Men det er rigtigt at hævde at der findes en nordisk humor. I Danmark er vi så sjove at vi tør eksportere vores største turistattraktion til Kina. Så kunne vi måske låne Harald Bredeli...:-)
Det her synes jeg var meget sjovt. En svensk værtinde som gør det vi andre føler og tænker.
OK I hope there's no major dispute going on here, don't want to have to bring in the United Nations. Also, do we have an answer from Denmark yet? --Siddhartha-Wolf 15. aug 2009, 10:27 (UTC) (Siddhartha-Wolf)
Your lack of politeness will some day be excused. If you can't tell the difference between danish and norwegian, why bother us to make scandinavian articles? We're trying to agree on some nordic articles but there's still some obstacles. For example concerning the sex issue, the danes have 71 articles, the norwegians have 42 articles and the swedes have 0 (zero). If they know how to make more swedes, didn't the find anything funny during the intercourse. We're using this forum to find some articles that we agree on and which could enrich the rest of the world.
My apologies, I set up "Scandinavian" not because I am ignorant or impolite, but because at the time I did not think this Foreign Office would be very popular or successful. Also I know the three languages are very similar, so I thought they could be combined there, but you don't have to agree on anything at all, you can just write the article and (Danish) or (Swedish) or (Norwegian). I thought it would be easy to co-operate with each other since you can understand each other's languages, I did not intend to be rude, so if you like I can create separate headings.
--Siddhartha-Wolf 15. aug 2009, 15:25 (UTC) (Siddhartha-Wolf)
- I created three different headings. In "Language-Specific Discussion" you are separate, under "Suggestions" you are under the one heading "Scandinavian". I hope this meets with your approval and I'm sorry for appearing impolite. --Siddhartha-Wolf 15. aug 2009, 15:39 (UTC)
I can feel this project means a lot to you. I can't decide all by myself which of them we'll
nominate, when we're selecting articles for projects like yours. But of course, It'll have to be articles without danish contexts included.
I did find a good example of nordic humor: "an Olfert" or Truserøsk, which is a strange behaviour, where you pull a mans pants up while he's still wearing his trousers, and whip his a"#%%¤#.I think you call it a "wedgie".
Some of my playmates here, will surely provide more decent suggestions.
- Truserøsk is a good thing! We did it with a classmate at school when I was 14! but back to case, on Ikkepedia it is only me who work with this project, and I haven't nominated any articles yet because I need time to find out whitch article who's funny not only at norwegian but also in other language, and I know they do it on other uncyclopedia also. It's a natural process for a project like this I think. And if I don't remember wrong, this has already been discussed on uncyclopedia, so I don't thinks thats any problem. And I hope also that the scandinavian uncyclopedians (exept from the Swedish) can cooperate a little more about things like this since the culture and language isn't so unlike :)
- Og forresten, dere kan godt få låne Harald Bredeli (som faktisk er min fars åttmening) men det forbeholder at vi får tilbake Ståle Solbakken som dere knabba fra oss!--Howie 15. aug 2009, 17:20 (UTC)
Ståle er også en god nordmand. 10 år i Danmark og snakker stadig norsk når han bliver interviewet.
I know that some of the other dudes in here also have a opinion. By the way, how are the articles translated. Will they be included in the english uncyclopedia....(and hide the missing or vacant contributors)...
- Well, the translations are optional, it's based on the choice of each country's uncyclopedia. The best way is to combine one person from the original language and one from the target language to work together in translating it. To show you how the translations are working this far, I shall direct you to the page relating to translations into English so you can understand it more clearly. Of course there is also a page for every other language as well as a page for discussion of all things related to The Foreign Office. Thanks, keep in touch Danes and Norwegians (and what is wrong with the Swedes? where are they?) --Siddhartha-Wolf 15. aug 2009, 18:55 (UTC)
Frode, jeg er med. Måske skal vi også oversætte mellem norsk og dansk?
Han Buddhafyren er ikke så lidt fræk. Howie kommer og foreslår nogle fælles nordiske ting som vel egentlig er en sjov ide.
Det er lidt svær at se på Uncyclopedia hvordan man finder frem til de oversatte artikler fra forsiden. De artikler som er oversat fra andre sprog er kun delvist oversat. Det er formentlig en ambassadeting. Men det som er svært er at finde artikler som ikke rummer danske kontekster og som samtidig siger noget om Danmark. Vi kunne selvfølgelig fortælle verdenen om Pia Kjærsgaard og Amin Jensen.
- Fenis, rather I would recommend Danes/Norwegians/Swedes that are more famous (unless you mention a lot about these figures so we understand them better). So:
- Soren Kierkegaard
- King Christian IV (right?)
- Erik the Red
- Edvard Munch
- August Strindberg
- Lars von Trier
- Ingrid Bergman
- Ingmar Bergman
- Henrik Ibsen
- Liv Ullmann
- Britt Ekland
- Roald Dahl
- Roald Amundsen (right first name?)
- Abba
- Opeth
And also sports people like:
- Henrik Larson
- Peter Schmeichel
- Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
It's fine to include the more obscure people as long as you give us a bit of background too :) --Siddhartha-Wolf 15. aug 2009, 21:50 (UTC)
- The only Norwegian person in that list we have an article about is Edvard Munch and Henrik Ibsen. The article about Ibsen is a good article, but I'm not interested to translate it. But I can translate a halfdone article about Kurt Asle Veltepetter Arvesen! (A Norwegian cyclist on Team Saxobank)
- Meningen er ikke at dere skal oversette fra Dansk til Norsk vice versa alene. Dette er noe som skal sammarbeides om etter planen, men ja, dere må ta del i oversettingsprosessen. Og hvis dere skulle være interesert, kan jeg tilby dere en Vaffeltørker. Det er mest sannsynlig den første artikkelen som skal oversettes fra norsk til engelsk, og da er det nok også en smal sak å oversette den til dansk--Howie 15. aug 2009, 23:53 (UTC)
- No problem Howie, translate what you wish to, your waffle-dryer article was very good. --Siddhartha-Wolf 16. aug 2009, 01:01 (UTC)
I think I agree with Howie that we - the people of the proud nordic countries - are to decide what the rest of the world would benefit from. Kurt-Asle is funny, Gro Hammerseng and Katja Nyberg....we could probably add more gossip to the picture (that they're planning to become parents...or so)...But Britt Ekland is not a bad suggestion. I wonder if the swedes have forgotten her.
- Yes, feel free to include Nordic humour, certainly, but give us some pointers and a bit of background too :) --Siddhartha-Wolf 16. aug 2009, 11:08 (UTC)
I think I will create a page where more suggestions can be filled in. It's obvious that people abroad have no sense of what we find funny. There will be a section for Danish articles and one for Scandinavian articles. I'll link to it, when it's done.
OK, Siddharta. You've got the frontpage! Maybe too much to hope for in our case. Here you can see the incoming suggestions
- Thanks very much for your efforts, Frode :) --Siddhartha-Wolf 16. aug 2009, 11:08 (UTC)
- Thank you for all the articles shortlisted so far. I have looked at a few of them and am very impressed indeed (Kanken, for example, is very witty and intelligent). --Siddhartha-Wolf 16. aug 2009, 21:34 (UTC)