Linje 452: |
Linje 452: |
| // End of Added SiteNotice Functionality | | // End of Added SiteNotice Functionality |
| // ================================================================== | | // ================================================================== |
| | |
| | /** |
| | * Some tips when editing this page... |
| | * |
| | ** Make sure that your code has been tested in the latest version of Firefox AND Internet Explorer! (Nobody cares about older versions) |
| | ** No compressed JS. Ever. Compressed JS is fucking annoying for sausages to edit or debug. |
| | ** Make sure that your code follows some coding conventions, preferrably MediaWiki's (see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Coding_conventions) |
| | * |
| | * Your friendly neighborhood MediaWiki developer, |
| | * --Jack Phoenix, 26 July 2009 |
| | * <jack@countervandalism.net> |
| | */ |
| | // Tools: [http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/index.php?title=-&action=raw&smaxage=0&gen=js reload cache] |
| | // <pre><nowiki> |
| | |
| | |
| | /* Nachteule told me to add this on my talkpage - Dr. S */ |
| | window.wgMWSuggestTemplate = "http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/api.php?action=opensearch\x26search={searchTerms}\x26namespace={namespaces}\x26suggest"; |
| | window.wgSearchNamespaces = [0]; |
| | |
| | /* Analytics - if you're going to fuck with this, TEST IT first */ |
| | var _gaq = _gaq || []; |
| | _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-23952241-1']); |
| | _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); |
| | |
| | (function() { |
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| | ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; |
| | var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); |
| | })(); |
| | |
| | /* Non-namespace logos */ |
| | //=================================================== |
| | // faux-namespace fixes |
| | // (including hack for browsers with NO CSS3 support [IE6, etc]) |
| | // - Bizzeebeever, 2011 (if this breaks shit, you know who to ban) |
| | //=================================================== |
| | //add faux namespaces to {namespaces} as follows: |
| | // "namespaceName" : { tabText : "Tab text goes here", className : "Logo CSS class name" } |
| | // //tabText: [optional] default is namespaceName |
| | // //className [optional] will be given prefix "ns-". default is "ns-[namespaceName]" |
| | //make sure if you are adding more than one to use a comma after each line except the last. |
| | //<body> element for specified namespaces will be given the "ns-[className]" class. |
| | //create your new stylesheet selector + rule in MediaWiki:Common.css accordingly |
| | // i.e. "body.ns-why #p-logo > a { background-image:url( someimage.png ) };") |
| | |
| | YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady( 'p-logo', function() { |
| | var namespaces = { |
| | $className : function( str ) { if ( str in this ) return " ns-" + ( this[ str ].className || str ).replace( /[\W]*/g, "" ).toLowerCase(); }, |
| | $tabText : function ( str ) { if ( str in this ) return this[ str ].tabText || str }, |
| | //===add faux-namespaces below this line=== |
| | "Un-Bestiary" : { tabText : "Bestiary" }, |
| | "Uncycloversity" : { tabText : "Resource" } |
| | } |
| | var namespace = wgPageName.match( /^(Talk:)?[-\w\?]+/ )[ 0 ].replace( "Talk:", "" ); |
| | //grab namespace, stripping off "Talk:" if this is a talk page |
| | if ( !namespace ) return; |
| | //if empty namespace, probably an error |
| | if ( namespace in namespaces ) |
| | //if a namespace hack is defined above... |
| | { |
| | try { |
| | document.body.className += namespaces.$className( namespace ); |
| | //apply custom style |
| | document.getElementById( "ca-nstab-main" ).firstChild.innerHTML = namespaces.$tabText( namespace ); |
| | //Change tab text |
| | } |
| | catch( e ) { return; } |
| | } |
| | } ) |
| | // end faux-namespace fixes |
| | |
| | /** Reskin parser *********************************************************** |
| | * Instructions: |
| | * 1) Add the page title and namespace exactly ("Name_space:Page_name") as new skin, use |
| | * UNDERSCORES *NOT* SPACES: ("Main_Page": "", should be first line). The next parameter |
| | * is optionally an existing "MediaWiki:Skin/"-prefixed file (in which case you can skip |
| | * step 2). |
| | * 2) Create MediaWiki:Skin/Name_Space:Page_Name.css and place reskin CSS content there. |
| | */ |
| | reskin = { |
| | 'Main_Page': '', |
| | 'Main_Page_test': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'UnNews:Main_Page': 'UnNewsNew.css', |
| | 'UnNews:Main_Page_Beta': 'UnNewsNew.css', |
| | 'UnNews:Religion_Section': 'UnNewsNew.css', |
| | ')': 'Sdrawkcab.css', |
| | 'AAAAAAAAA!': 'Aaaa.css', |
| | 'An:': '', |
| | 'Babel:666': '', |
| | 'Babel:96': '', |
| | 'Babel:Aa': 'Aaaa.css', |
| | 'Babel:Ap': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Babel:APPL': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Babel:CaD': '', |
| | 'Babel:Communpedia': 'Communpedia.css', |
| | 'Babel:F@H': '', |
| | 'Babel:Gbs': '', |
| | 'Babel:Hi': '', |
| | 'Babel:Pumpkin': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Babel:Newspeak': '', |
| | 'Babel:Vogon': 'Vg:.css', |
| | 'Babel:W2': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Bad_title': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Broken_Redirect': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Cart': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Drawing': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'EBay': '', |
| | 'Ea:': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Em:': '', |
| | 'File_8AO4F:_The_God_Case': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Gullible': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Half-Life_2:_Episode_Three': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Holocaust_denial_denial_denial_denial_denial': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'International_Page_Blanking_Day': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Kenny_McCormick': '', |
| | 'Loneliness': 'Em:.css', |
| | 'Talk:Loneliness': 'Em:.css', |
| | 'Marty_Friedman': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Memento': '', |
| | 'Misleading': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Movie_Trailer_Announcer_Guy': '', |
| | 'MS_Paint': '', |
| | 'Namespace:Main_Page': '', |
| | 'Nihilism': '', |
| | 'Rafael_Nadal': '', |
| | 'Rp:': '', |
| | 'ROT13': '', |
| | 'Sdrawkcab': '', |
| | 'Socratic_method': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Slime_Cube': '', |
| | 'Time_Cubicle': 'Slime Cube.css', |
| | 'The_Consumerist': '', |
| | 'Tlh:': '', |
| | 'Tx:': '', |
| | 'UnTunes:Artsy_and_Misunderstood:_A_Bedroom_Emo_Song': 'Em:.css', |
| | 'Uncyclopedia!_Answers': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'Upside_Down': '', |
| | 'User:02barryc/UnNews/Site2': '', |
| | 'User:Algorithm': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'User:Bradaphraser/SupperBowl': '', |
| | 'User:Codeine/Em:': 'Em:.css', |
| | 'User:Mhaille/UnTube': 'UnTube.css', |
| | 'User:Mhaille/Rufus': 'Rufus.css', |
| | 'User:Nacky/Phantom_of_the_Drama': 'Phantom_of_the_Drama.css', |
| | 'User:Severian/Germ_Warfare': 'Germ_Warfare.css', |
| | 'User:Spintherism/Penmanship': '', |
| | 'User:Zombiebaron/wip/Deeply_Undercovered': 'Fullscreen.css', |
| | 'User:Zombiebaron/Uncyclopedia_Reskin_Committee/Defacebook': 'Defacebook.css', |
| | 'User:Kelpan/Conservapedia': 'Conservapedia.css', |
| | 'Vd:': '', |
| | 'Visual_puns': 'Nocategories.css', |
| | 'Wikimedia_fundraising': '', |
| | 'Wikimedia_fundraising/Zombiebaron': '', |
| | 'Wikipedia': '', |
| | 'Yahoo!': 'Fullscreen.css' |
| | // Make sure all lines in this list except the last one have a comma after! |
| | } |
| | |
| | var skinName; |
| | |
| | if( reskin[wgPageName] != undefined && wgIsArticle == true ) { |
| | skinName = ( reskin[wgPageName].length > 0 ) ? reskin[wgPageName] : wgPageName + '.css'; |
| | document.write('<style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/ @import "/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Skin/' + skinName + '&action=raw&ctype=text/css"; /*]]>*/</style>'); |
| | } |
| | |
| | /* drop-downs for cactions tabs and whatnot */ |
| | importScript('User:Lyrithya/dropdown.js'); |
| | |
| | function noLogo() { |
| | if( document.getElementById( 'nologo' ) ) { |
| | document.getElementById( 'p-logo' ).style.display = 'none'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady('p-logo', noLogo); |
| | |
| | function validateImageURL(textval) { |
| | var urlregex = new RegExp( |
| | "^(http|https)\://(images[0-9]|images)\.wikia.([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+(\:[a-zA-Z0-9\.&%\$\-]+)*@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(\:[0-9]+)*(/($|[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\?\'\\\+&%\$#\=~_\-]+))*\.(gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG)$"); |
| | return ( urlregex.test(textval) & (textval.length < 200) ); |
| | } |
| | |
| | function logotipo() { |
| | if( document.getElementById( 'logotipo' ) ) { |
| | if ( document.getElementById( 'logotipo' ).firstChild.src != null ) { |
| | var logoURL = document.getElementById( 'logotipo' ).firstChild.src; |
| | if ( validateImageURL( logoURL ) ) { |
| | document.getElementById( 'p-logo' ).innerHTML= '<a style="background-image: url(' + logoURL + ')" href="/wiki/Main_Page" title="Visit the main page"/>'; |
| | } |
| | } else { |
| | if ( document.getElementById( 'logotipo' ).firstChild.firstChild.src != null) { |
| | logoURL = document.getElementById( 'logotipo' ).firstChild.firstChild.src; |
| | if ( validateImageURL( logoURL ) ) { |
| | document.getElementById( 'p-logo' ).innerHTML= '<a style="background-image: url(' + logoURL + ')" href="/wiki/Main_Page" title="Visit the main page"/>'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady('p-logo', logotipo); |
| | |
| | // - addOnloadHook only fires after all content on the page has loaded, including images. Which is not very useful if you're trying to hide an image. |
| | // It's especially bad if there's a large image(s) in the article. This YUI function will fire it as soon as the logo div is loaded. Which is better. |
| | |
| | /** Dismiss notice remover |
| | * (only removes if you have made a custom sitenotice designed to use its own close button) |
| | */ |
| | function removeSitenoticeDismiss() { |
| | snh = document.getElementById( 'siteNoticehide' ); |
| | if( !snh ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | snh = snh.parentNode; |
| | snh.href = 'javascript:dismissNotice();'; |
| | snh.firstChild.style.display = 'block !important'; |
| | noticetr = document.getElementById( 'mw-dismissable-notice' ); |
| | if( !noticetr ) { |
| | snh.parentNode.removeChild( snh ); |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | noticetr = noticetr.firstChild.firstChild; |
| | noticetr.removeChild( noticetr.lastChild ); |
| | } |
| | YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady('siteNoticehide', removeSitenoticeDismiss); |
| | |
| | /** Username replace function ([[template:USERNAME]]) ******************************* |
| | * Inserts user name into <span class="insertusername"></span> |
| | * Originally by [[wikia:User:Splarka|Splarka]] |
| | * New version by [[User:Spang|Spang]] |
| | */ |
| | function UserNameReplace() { |
| | if( typeof( disableUsernameReplace ) != 'undefined' && disableUsernameReplace || wgUserName == null ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | var n = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName( 'insertusername', 'span', document.getElementById( 'bodyContent' ) ); |
| | for ( var x in n ) { |
| | n[x].innerHTML = wgUserName; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( UserNameReplace ); |
| | |
| | /** Title rewrite ******************************************************** |
| | * Rewrites the page's title, used by [[Template:Title]] |
| | * By [[User:Sikon|Sikon]] |
| | */ |
| | function rewriteTitle() { |
| | if( typeof( SKIP_TITLE_REWRITE ) != 'undefined' && SKIP_TITLE_REWRITE ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | |
| | var titleDiv = document.getElementById( 'title-meta' ); |
| | |
| | if( titleDiv == null || titleDiv == undefined ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | |
| | var cloneNode = titleDiv.cloneNode( true ); |
| | var firstHeading = document.getElementById( 'firstHeading' ); |
| | var node = firstHeading.childNodes[0]; |
| | |
| | // new, then old! |
| | firstHeading.replaceChild( cloneNode, node ); |
| | cloneNode.style.display = 'inline'; |
| | if ( titleDiv.childNodes[0].nodeValue.toLowerCase() == wgPageName.replace( /_/g, ' ' ).toLowerCase() ) { |
| | document.title = titleDiv.childNodes[0].nodeValue; |
| | } |
| | |
| | var titleAlign = document.getElementById( 'title-align' ); |
| | firstHeading.style.textAlign = titleAlign.childNodes[0].nodeValue; |
| | } |
| | |
| | // You can use addOnloadHook (MW native function, defined in wikibits.js) or |
| | // jQuery( document ).ready( rewriteTitle ); (jQuery implementation) if you're |
| | // copying this code over to another wiki |
| | YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady( rewriteTitle ); |
| | |
| | /** Dynamic navigation bars ************************************************ |
| | * Allows navigations templates to expand and collapse their content to save space |
| | * Documentation on Wikipedia at [[wikipedia:Wikipedia:NavFrame|Wikipedia:NavFrame]] |
| | */ |
| | |
| | // set up the words in your language |
| | var NavigationBarHide = '[hide]'; |
| | var NavigationBarShow = '[show]'; |
| | |
| | // set up max count of Navigation Bars on page, |
| | // if there are more, all will be hidden |
| | // NavigationBarShowDefault = 0; // all bars will be hidden |
| | // NavigationBarShowDefault = 1; // on pages with more than 1 bar all bars will be hidden |
| | var NavigationBarShowDefault = 1; |
| | |
| | // shows and hides content and picture (if available) of navigation bars |
| | // Parameters: |
| | // indexNavigationBar: the index of navigation bar to be toggled |
| | function toggleNavigationBar( indexNavigationBar ) { |
| | var NavToggle = document.getElementById( 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar ); |
| | var NavFrame = document.getElementById( 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar ); |
| | |
| | if( !NavFrame || !NavToggle ) { |
| | return false; |
| | } |
| | |
| | // if shown now |
| | if( NavToggle.firstChild.data == NavigationBarHide ) { |
| | for ( |
| | var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; |
| | NavChild != null; |
| | NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling |
| | ) { |
| | if( NavChild.className == 'NavPic' ) { |
| | NavChild.style.display = 'none'; |
| | } |
| | if( NavChild.className == 'NavContent' ) { |
| | NavChild.style.display = 'none'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarShow; |
| | |
| | // if hidden now |
| | } else if( NavToggle.firstChild.data == NavigationBarShow ) { |
| | for ( |
| | var NavChild = NavFrame.firstChild; |
| | NavChild != null; |
| | NavChild = NavChild.nextSibling |
| | ) { |
| | if( NavChild.className == 'NavPic' ) { |
| | NavChild.style.display = 'block'; |
| | } |
| | if( NavChild.className == 'NavContent' ) { |
| | NavChild.style.display = 'block'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | NavToggle.firstChild.data = NavigationBarHide; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | |
| | // adds show/hide-button to navigation bars |
| | function createNavigationBarToggleButton() { |
| | var indexNavigationBar = 0; |
| | // iterate over all < div >-elements |
| | for( |
| | var i = 0; |
| | NavFrame = document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' )[i]; |
| | i++ |
| | ) { |
| | // if found a navigation bar |
| | if( NavFrame.className == 'NavFrame' ) { |
| | indexNavigationBar++; |
| | var NavToggle = document.createElement( 'a' ); |
| | NavToggle.className = 'NavToggle'; |
| | NavToggle.setAttribute( 'id', 'NavToggle' + indexNavigationBar ); |
| | NavToggle.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:toggleNavigationBar(' + indexNavigationBar + ');' ); |
| | |
| | var NavToggleText = document.createTextNode( NavigationBarHide ); |
| | NavToggle.appendChild( NavToggleText ); |
| | // Find the NavHead and attach the toggle link (Must be this complicated because Moz's firstChild handling is borked) |
| | for( var j = 0; j < NavFrame.childNodes.length; j++ ) { |
| | if( NavFrame.childNodes[j].className == 'NavHead' ) { |
| | NavFrame.childNodes[j].appendChild( NavToggle ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | NavFrame.setAttribute( 'id', 'NavFrame' + indexNavigationBar ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | // if more Navigation Bars found than Default: hide all |
| | if( NavigationBarShowDefault < indexNavigationBar ) { |
| | for( var i = 1; i <= indexNavigationBar; i++ ) { |
| | toggleNavigationBar( i ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | |
| | } |
| | |
| | addOnloadHook( createNavigationBarToggleButton, false ); |
| | |
| | |
| | /** Another collapsible whatnits implementation - for the sidebar mostly, but can be used with whatever |
| | I'd write some documentation or something, but I can't be arsed. -Lyrithya |
| | |
| | ********************************************* star */ |
| | |
| | jQuery( document ).ready( function() { |
| | $( '.collapsed > *' ).next().css( 'display', 'none' ); |
| | $( '.expanded > *' ).click( function() { |
| | $( this ).next().toggle(); |
| | $( this ).parent().toggleClass( 'expanded' ); |
| | $( this ).parent().toggleClass( 'collapsed' ); |
| | }); |
| | $( '.collapsed > *' ).click( function() { |
| | $( this ).next().toggle(); |
| | $( this ).parent().toggleClass( 'collapsed' ); |
| | $( this ).parent().toggleClass( 'expanded' ); |
| | }); |
| | }); |
| | |
| | /* |
| | * Trivial plugin for hiding the portals in the sidebar panel |
| | * Written by Silent Penguin |
| | */ |
| | (function( $ ){ |
| | $.fn.hidingToolbox = function(options) { |
| | var settings = { |
| | 'initClosed' : true, |
| | 'duration' : 200, |
| | 'contentSelector' : '.pBody', |
| | 'handleSelector' : 'h5', |
| | 'slide': function (visible) { if(visible){ this.parent().addClass('hidden').removeClass('visible') } else { this.parent().addClass('visible').removeClass('hidden') } } |
| | }; |
| | |
| | //where the magic happens |
| | var handleClick = function (){ |
| | var handle = $(this).parent().find(settings['contentSelector']); |
| | var visible = handle.is(':visible') |
| | handle[ visible |
| | ? 'slideUp' |
| | : 'slideDown' ](settings['duration'], function () { |
| | return settings['slide'].apply($(this),[visible]); |
| | }); |
| | } |
| | |
| | var handleHoverIn = function () { |
| | $(this).addClass('hover'); |
| | } |
| | |
| | var handleHoverOut = function () { |
| | $(this).removeClass('hover'); |
| | } |
| | |
| | var length = this.length; |
| | |
| | if ( typeof(options) == typeof(Object()) ) { |
| | $.extend( settings, options ); |
| | } |
| | // If options exist and is the right type, lets merge them with our default settings |
| | |
| | if ( typeof(settings['initClosed']) == typeof(Array()) && |
| | !settings['initClosed'].length) { |
| | settings['initClosed'] = true; |
| | } |
| | // if our init closed is an empty array, define it to the default again. |
| | |
| | return this.each(function(key) { |
| | var self = $(this); |
| | self.find(settings['handleSelector']) |
| | .hover(handleHoverIn, handleHoverOut) //detect hovers, style accordingly |
| | .click(handleClick); //click event to open and close |
| | var initClosed = typeof(settings['initClosed']) == typeof(Array()) |
| | ? settings['initClosed'][Math.min(key, length - 1)] |
| | : settings['initClosed']; |
| | self.find(settings['contentSelector'])[initClosed ? 'hide' : 'show']().parent().addClass(initClosed ? 'hidden' : 'visible' ); |
| | }); |
| | }; |
| | })( jQuery ); |
| | |
| | jQuery(document).ready(function(){ |
| | jQuery('.generated-sidebar:not(#p-navigation), #p-tb, #p-wikicities-nav, #p-lang').hidingToolbox({'initClosed':[false, true, false, false]}); |
| | jQuery('#column-one').addClass('collapsible_pile'); |
| | }); |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | /** Archive edit tab disabling ************************************* |
| | * Disables the edit tab on old forum topic pages to stop noobs bumping old topics. |
| | * Page can still be edited by going via the edit tab on the history etc, or by |
| | * typing the edit address manually. |
| | * By [[User:Spang|Spang]] |
| | */ |
| | function disableOldForumEdit() { |
| | if( typeof( enableOldForumEdit ) != 'undefined' && enableOldForumEdit ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | if( !document.getElementById( 'ca-edit' ) || !document.getElementById( 'old-forum-warning' ) ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | editLink = document.getElementById( 'ca-edit' ).firstChild; |
| | editLink.removeAttribute( 'href', 0 ); |
| | editLink.style.color = 'gray'; |
| | editLink.innerHTML = 'No Editing'; |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( disableOldForumEdit ); |
| | |
| | /** Forum talkpages - adds talkpage tab back if present. |
| | * Blame <name missing> |
| | */ |
| | function forumTalkTab() { |
| | if( document.getElementById( 'talkforum' ) ) { |
| | document.getElementById( 'talkforum' ).style.display = 'none'; |
| | document.getElementById( 'ca-talk' ).style.display = 'block !important'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( forumTalkTab ); |
| | |
| | /** Add section tab disabling ************************************* |
| | * Disables the add section tab on any page you like, mainly useful for your userpage |
| | * (depending on how you have your userpage setup) |
| | * In order to use it, simply include any HTML element with an ID of disableAddSection such as <div id="disableAddSection"></div> |
| | * By [[User:Olipro|Olipro]] |
| | */ |
| | function disableAddSection() { |
| | if( !( addsect = document.getElementById( 'ca-addsection' ) ) || !document.getElementById( 'disableAddSection' ) ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | addsect.parentNode.removeChild( addsect ); |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( disableAddSection ); |
| | |
| | /** Remove example text ************************************************** |
| | * Automatically removes any example text left on the page upon saving. |
| | * By [[User:Spang]] |
| | */ |
| | function stripExamples() { |
| | try { |
| | var tb = document.forms[0].wpTextbox1; |
| | var tbh = tb.scrollTop; |
| | tb.value = tb.value.replace(/(\'\'\'Bold text\'\'\'|\'\'Italic text\'\'|\[\[Link title\]\]|\[http:\/\/www\.example\.com link title\]|\n== Headline text ==\n|\[\[Image:Example\.jpg\]\]|\[\[File:Example\.jpg\]\]|<math>Insert formula here<\/math>|<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here<\/nowiki>|<code><\/code>|\[\[Media:Example\.ogg\]\]|\n(?=\n\n\n))/g,''); |
| | tb.scrollTop = tbh; |
| | return true; |
| | } catch( e ) { |
| | return true; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( |
| | function() { |
| | if ( ( wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit' ) && wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == false ) { |
| | document.forms[0].wpSave.setAttribute( 'onclick', 'return stripExamples()' ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | ) |
| | |
| | /** Embed flash movies ************************************************** |
| | * Allows embedding of flash files in a page. Only enabled in userspace currently. |
| | * See [[Template:Flash]] |
| | * By [[User:Olipro|Olipro]] |
| | */ |
| | var flashOk; |
| | |
| | function embedFlashMovie( flashOk ) { |
| | mainbody = document.getElementById( 'bodyContent' ); |
| | mainbody.innerHTML = contentTempHolder; |
| | spancheck = document.getElementsByTagName( 'span' ); |
| | for( i = 0; i < spancheck.length; i++ ) { |
| | if( spancheck[i].getAttribute( 'id' ) != 'embedFlashDoc' ) { |
| | continue; |
| | } |
| | obj = spancheck[i].innerHTML.split( '@' ); |
| | flwidth = obj[0]; |
| | flheight = obj[1]; |
| | flfile = obj[2].replace( 'fullurl://', 'http://' ); |
| | showFlash = ' '; |
| | if( flashOk ) { |
| | showFlash = '<object width="' + flwidth + '" height="' + flheight + '"'; |
| | showFlash += 'classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"'; |
| | showFlash += 'codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/'; |
| | showFlash += 'shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0">'; |
| | showFlash += '<param name="movie" value="' + flfile + '" />'; |
| | showFlash += '<embed src="' + flfile + '" width="' + flwidth + '" height='; |
| | showFlash += '"' + flheight + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" '; |
| | showFlash += 'pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />'; |
| | showFlash += '</object>'; |
| | } else { |
| | showFlash = '<a class="plainlinks" href="javascript:embedFlashMovie(true)" onClick="embedFlashMovie(true)">' + flfile + '</a> (Click to Show)'; |
| | } |
| | spancheck[i].innerHTML = showFlash; |
| | spancheck[i].style.display = 'inline'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | |
| | var contentTempHolder; |
| | function embedFlashCheck() { |
| | if( !document.getElementById( 'embedFlashDoc' ) ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | mainbody = document.getElementById( 'bodyContent' ); |
| | contentTempHolder = mainbody.innerHTML; |
| | if( typeof displayFlashOverride != 'undefined' ) { |
| | embedFlashMovie( displayFlashOverride ); |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | askmessage = '<div align="center" id="askflash">This page contains '; |
| | askmessage += '<a href="/wiki/Flash_Gordon" class="plainlinks">Flash</a>; would you '; |
| | askmessage += 'like to see it? <b><a href="javascript:embedFlashMovie(true)" '; |
| | askmessage += 'onClick="embedFlashMovie(true)">Yes</a> | <a '; |
| | askmessage += 'href="javascript:embedFlashMovie(false)" '; |
| | askmessage += 'onClick="embedFlashMovie(false)">No</a> | <a '; |
| | askmessage += 'href="/index.php?title=User:' + wgUserName + '/' + skin + '.js&'; |
| | askmessage += 'action=edit§ion=new&preload=Template:Flash/disable">'; |
| | askmessage += 'Don\'t show this again</a></b></div>'; |
| | mainbody.innerHTML = askmessage; |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( embedFlashCheck ); |
| | |
| | /** Edit Link remover ***************************************************** |
| | * Removes the little edit links from the UnNews Main Page if you're not |
| | * signed in as a user since these pages are semi-protected and always |
| | * will be. |
| | */ |
| | function unNewsEditLinkChecker() { |
| | if( wgPageName != 'UnNews:Main_Page' || wgIsLogin ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | |
| | editlinks = document.getElementsByTagName( 'span' ); |
| | for( i = 0; i < editlinks.length; i++ ) { |
| | if( editlinks[i].className != 'editor' ) { |
| | continue; |
| | } |
| | editlinks[i].parentNode.removeChild( editlinks[i] ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | addOnloadHook( unNewsEditLinkChecker ); |
| | |
| | /** Sortable table fixes ************************************************** |
| | * Fixes some problems the default sortable table script has. |
| | * Slightly modifies the ts_resortTable function found in wikibits.js |
| | */ |
| | function ts_resortTable( lnk ) { |
| | var span = lnk.getElementsByTagName( 'span' )[0]; |
| | var td = lnk.parentNode; |
| | var tr = td.parentNode; |
| | var column = td.cellIndex; |
| | var table = tr.parentNode; |
| | |
| | while( table && !( table.tagName && table.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table' ) ) { |
| | table = table.parentNode; |
| | } |
| | |
| | if( !table ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | |
| | if( table.rows.length <= 1 ) { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | |
| | if( ts_number_transform_table == null ) { |
| | ts_initTransformTable(); |
| | } |
| | |
| | var rowStart = table.tHead && table.tHead.rows.length > 0 ? 0 : 1; |
| | var itm = ''; |
| | for( var i = rowStart; i < table.rows.length; i++ ) { |
| | if( table.rows[i].cells.length > column ) { |
| | itm = ts_getInnerText( table.rows[i].cells[column] ); |
| | itm = itm.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+/,"").replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/,""); |
| | if( itm != '' ) { |
| | break; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | var sortfn = ts_sort_generic; |
| | var preprocessor = ts_toLowerCase; |
| | if( /^\d\d[\/. -][a-zA-Z]{3}[\/. -]\d\d\d\d$/.test( itm ) ) { |
| | preprocessor = ts_dateToSortKey; |
| | } else if( /^\d\d[\/.-]\d\d[\/.-]\d\d\d\d$/.test( itm ) ) { |
| | preprocessor = ts_dateToSortKey; |
| | } else if( /^\d\d[\/.-]\d\d[\/.-]\d\d$/.test( itm ) ) { |
| | preprocessor = ts_dateToSortKey; |
| | } else if( /(^[\u00a3$\u20ac\u00a4\u00a5]|\u00a2$)/.test( itm ) ) { |
| | preprocessor = ts_currencyToSortKey; |
| | } else if( ts_number_regex.test( itm ) || /sm=n$/.test( itm ) ) { |
| | preprocessor = ts_parseFloat; |
| | } |
| | var reverse = span.getAttribute( 'sortdir' ) == 'down'; |
| | var newRows = new Array; |
| | var staticRows = new Array; |
| | for( var j = rowStart; j < table.rows.length; j++ ) { |
| | var row = table.rows[j]; |
| | if( ( ' ' + row.className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' unsortable ' ) < 0 ) { |
| | var keyText = ts_getInnerText( row.cells[column] ); |
| | var oldIndex = reverse ? -j : j; |
| | var preprocessed = preprocessor( keyText ); |
| | newRows[newRows.length] = new Array( row, preprocessed, oldIndex ); |
| | } else { |
| | staticRows[staticRows.length] = new Array( row, false, j-rowStart ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | newRows.sort( sortfn ); |
| | var arrowHTML; |
| | if( reverse ) { |
| | arrowHTML = "<img src=\"" + ts_image_path + ts_image_down + "\" alt=\"↓\"/>"; |
| | newRows.reverse(); |
| | span.setAttribute( 'sortdir', 'up' ); |
| | } else { |
| | arrowHTML = "<img src=\"" + ts_image_path + ts_image_up + "\" alt=\"↑\"/>"; |
| | span.setAttribute( 'sortdir', 'down' ); |
| | } |
| | for( var i = 0; i < staticRows.length; i++ ) { |
| | var row = staticRows[i]; |
| | newRows.splice( row[2], 0, row ); |
| | } |
| | for( var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++ ) { |
| | if( ( ' ' + newRows[i][0].className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' sortbottom ' ) == -1 ) { |
| | table.tBodies[0].appendChild( newRows[i][0] ) |
| | } |
| | } |
| | for( var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++ ) { |
| | if( ( ' ' + newRows[i][0].className + ' ' ).indexOf( ' sortbottom ' ) != -1 ) { |
| | table.tBodies[0].appendChild( newRows[i][0] ) |
| | } |
| | } |
| | var spans = getElementsByClassName( tr, 'span', 'sortarrow' ); |
| | for( var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++ ) { |
| | spans[i].innerHTML = "<img src=\"" + ts_image_path + ts_image_none + "\" alt=\"↓\"/>"; |
| | } |
| | span.innerHTML = arrowHTML; |
| | if( ts_alternate_row_colors ) { |
| | ts_alternate( table ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | |
| | /** IP template for ban patrol ****** |
| | * Others can be added for other or all pages. |
| | */ |
| | if( mwCustomEditButtons && wgPageName == 'Uncyclopedia:Ban_Patrol' ) { |
| | mwCustomEditButtons[mwCustomEditButtons.length] = { |
| | 'imageFile': 'http://images1.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/d/d7/IP_button.png', |
| | 'speedTip': 'IP template', |
| | 'tagOpen': '{' + '{' + 'IP|', |
| | 'tagClose': '}' + '}', |
| | 'sampleText': '' |
| | }; |
| | } |
| | |
| | /** Fastdelete ******************************* |
| | * By Splarka |
| | * The page that uses this is http://wikia.50webs.com/massdelete/uncyclopedia/index.htm . |
| | */ |
| | if( wgUserGroups && wgUserGroups.join( ' ' ).indexOf( 'sysop' ) != -1 ) { |
| | importScriptURI( 'http://community.wikia.com/index.php?title=User:Splarka/fastdelete.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s' ); |
| | } |
| | |
| | /** Fix XML bugs ******************************* |
| | * By [[User:Spang|Spang]] |
| | * Eliminates bugs caused by invalid XHTML |
| | * The first parameter is the text of the page. Default is to return the XML, set the second parameter to false to return as text. |
| | */ |
| | function fixXML( text, parsetext ) { |
| | var bug1a = text.indexOf( '<head>' ); |
| | var bug1b = text.indexOf( '<!-- start content -->' ); |
| | if( bug1a != -1 || bug1b != -1 ) { |
| | var text = text.substring( 0, bug1a ) + '<body><div id="bodyContent">' + text.substring( bug1b ); |
| | } |
| | |
| | var bug2 = text.indexOf( '<!-- end content -->' ); |
| | if( bug2 != -1 ) { |
| | var text = text.substring( 0, bug2 ) + '</div></body></html>'; |
| | } else { |
| | return null; |
| | } |
| | |
| | if( parsetext == false ) { |
| | return text; |
| | } |
| | |
| | try { |
| | var fixedXML = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); |
| | fixedXML.async = 'false'; |
| | fixedXML.loadXML( text ); |
| | return fixedXML; |
| | } catch( e ) { |
| | try { |
| | var parser = new DOMParser(); |
| | var fixedXML = parser.parseFromString( text, "text/xml" ); |
| | return fixedXML; |
| | } catch( e ) { |
| | return false; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | |
| | |
| | /** Featured Interwiki ******************************* |
| | * Stolen from Wikipedia |
| | */ |
| | function linkFA() { |
| | if ( document.getElementById( 'p-lang' ) ) { |
| | interwikiLinks = document.getElementById( 'p-lang' ).getElementsByTagName( 'li' ); |
| | |
| | for ( var i in interwikiLinks ) { |
| | if ( document.getElementById( interwikiLinks[i].className + '-fa' ) ) { |
| | interwikiLinks[i].className += ' FA'; |
| | interwikiLinks[i].title = 'This is a featured article in another language'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | }; |
| | YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady( 'column-one', linkFA ); |
| | |
| | importScript( 'User:Spang/vote.js' ); |
| | |
| | /** StatCounter Code ******************************* |
| | * To count stats, eh. |
| | */ |
| | var sc_project = 4143615; |
| | var sc_invisible = 1; |
| | var sc_partition = 51; |
| | var sc_click_stat = 1; |
| | var sc_security = '936a4d05'; |
| | |
| | var sc_width = screen.width; |
| | var sc_height = screen.height; |
| | var sc_referer = '' + document.referrer; |
| | |
| | try { |
| | sc_referer = '' + parent.document.referrer; |
| | } catch( ex ) { |
| | sc_referer = '' + document.referrer; |
| | } |
| | |
| | var sc_os = ''; |
| | var sc_title = ''; |
| | var sc_url = ''; |
| | var sc_unique = 0; |
| | var sc_returning = 0; |
| | var sc_returns = 0; |
| | var sc_base_dir; |
| | var sc_click_dir; |
| | var sc_error = 0; |
| | var sc_remove = 0; |
| | var sc_http_url = 'http'; |
| | var sc_link_back_start = ''; |
| | var sc_link_back_end = ''; |
| | var sc_security_code = ''; |
| | var sc_cls = -1; |
| | var sc_host = 'statcounter.com'; |
| | |
| | if( window.sc_click_stat ) { |
| | sc_cls = window.sc_click_stat; |
| | } |
| | if( window.sc_https ) { |
| | if( sc_https == 1 ) { |
| | sc_doc_loc = '' + document.location; |
| | myRE = new RegExp( "^https", "i" ); |
| | if( sc_doc_loc.match( myRE ) ) { |
| | sc_http_url = 'https'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | if( window.sc_local ) { |
| | sc_base_dir = sc_local; |
| | } else { |
| | if( window.sc_partition ) { |
| | if( sc_cls == -1 && sc_partition == 3 ) { |
| | sc_cls = 1; |
| | } |
| | var sc_counter = ''; |
| | if( window.sc_partition != 34 && sc_partition <= 45 ) { |
| | sc_counter = sc_partition + 1; |
| | } |
| | sc_base_dir = sc_http_url + '://c' + sc_counter + '.' + sc_host + '/'; |
| | } else { |
| | sc_base_dir = sc_http_url + '://c1.' + sc_host + '/'; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | sc_click_dir = sc_base_dir; |
| | if( window.sc_text ) { |
| | sc_base_dir += 'text.php?'; |
| | } else { |
| | sc_base_dir += 't.php?'; |
| | } |
| | if( window.sc_project ) { |
| | sc_base_dir += "sc_project=" + sc_project; |
| | } else if( window.usr ) { |
| | sc_base_dir += "usr=" + usr; |
| | } else { |
| | sc_error = 1; |
| | } |
| | if( window.sc_remove_link ) { |
| | sc_link_back_start = ''; |
| | sc_link_back_end = ''; |
| | } else { |
| | sc_link_back_start = "<a class=\"statcounter\" href=\"http://www." + sc_host + "\" target=\"_blank\">"; |
| | sc_link_back_end = "<\/a>"; |
| | } |
| | sc_date = new Date(); |
| | sc_time = sc_date.getTime(); |
| | sc_time_difference = 3600000; |
| | sc_title = '' + document.title; |
| | sc_url= '' + document.location; |
| | sc_referer = sc_referer.substring( 0, 255 ); |
| | sc_title = sc_title.substring( 0, 150 ); |
| | sc_url = sc_url.substring( 0, 150 ); |
| | sc_referer = escape( sc_referer ); |
| | if( encodeURIComponent ) { |
| | sc_title = encodeURIComponent( sc_title ); |
| | } else { |
| | sc_title = escape( sc_title ); |
| | } |
| | sc_url = escape( sc_url ); |
| | if( window.sc_security ) { |
| | sc_security_code = sc_security; |
| | } |
| | var sc_tracking_url = sc_base_dir + '&resolution=' + sc_width + '&h=' + sc_height + '&camefrom=' + sc_referer + '&u=' + sc_url + '&t=' + sc_title + '&java=1&security=' + sc_security_code + '&sc_random=' + Math.random(); |
| | var sc_clstr = '<span class="statcounter">'; |
| | var sc_cltext = "\" alt=\"StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter\" border=\"0\">"; |
| | var sc_strout = sc_clstr + sc_link_back_start + "<img src=\"" + sc_tracking_url + sc_cltext + sc_link_back_end + '</span>'; |
| | if( sc_error == 1 ) { |
| | document.writeln( 'Code corrupted. Insert fresh copy.' ); |
| | } else if( sc_remove == 1 ) { |
| | } else if( window.sc_invisible ) { |
| | if( window.sc_invisible == 1 ) { |
| | if( window.sc_call ) { |
| | sc_call++; |
| | } else { |
| | sc_call = 1; |
| | } |
| | eval( "var sc_img" + sc_call + " = new Image();sc_img" + sc_call + ".src = \"" + sc_tracking_url + "&invisible=1\"" ); |
| | } else { |
| | document.writeln( sc_strout ); |
| | } |
| | } else if( window.sc_text ) { |
| | document.writeln( '<scr' + 'ipt language="JavaScript"' + ' src=' + sc_tracking_url + "&text=" + sc_text + '></scr' + 'ipt>' ); |
| | } else { |
| | document.writeln( sc_strout ); |
| | } |
| | |
| | if( sc_cls > 0 ) { |
| | if( clickstat_done != 1 ) { |
| | var clickstat_done = 1; |
| | var clickstat_project = window.sc_project; |
| | var clickstat_security = window.sc_security_code; |
| | var dlext = "7z|aac|avi|csv|doc|exe|flv|gif|gz|jpe?g|js|mp(3|4|e?g)|mov|pdf|phps|png|ppt|rar|sit|tar|torrent|txt|wma|wmv|xls|xml|zip"; |
| | if( typeof( window.sc_download_type ) == 'string' ) { |
| | dlext = window.sc_download_type; |
| | } |
| | var ltype = "https?|ftp|telnet|ssh|ssl|mailto"; |
| | var second = "ac|co|gov|ltd|me|mod|net|nic|nhs|org|plc|police|sch|com"; |
| | var dl = new RegExp( "\\.(" + dlext + ")$", "i" ); |
| | var lnk = new RegExp( "^(" + ltype + "):", "i" ); |
| | var domsec = new RegExp( "\^(" + second + ")$", "i" ); |
| | var host_name = location.host.replace(/^www\./i, ""); |
| | var host_splitted = host_name.split( '.' ); |
| | var domain = host_splitted.pop(); |
| | var host_split = host_splitted.pop(); |
| | if( domsec.test( host_split ) ) { |
| | domain = host_split + '.' + domain; |
| | host_split = host_splitted.pop(); |
| | } |
| | domain = host_split + '.' + domain; |
| | var lnklocal_mask = "^https?:\/\/(.*)" + domain; |
| | var lnklocal = new RegExp( lnklocal_mask, "i" ); |
| | if( document.getElementsByTagName ) { |
| | var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); |
| | for( var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++ ) { |
| | var anchor = anchors[i]; |
| | if( anchor.onmousedown ) { |
| | var original_click = anchor.onmousedown; |
| | var s = original_click.toString().split( "\n" ).join( ' ' ); |
| | var bs = s.indexOf( '{' ); |
| | var head = s.substr( 0, bs ); |
| | var ps = head.indexOf( '(' ); |
| | var pe = head.indexOf( ')' ); |
| | var params = head.substring( ps + 1, pe ); |
| | var plist = params.split( ',' ); |
| | var body = s.substr( bs + 1, s.length - bs - 2 ); |
| | var insert = "sc_clickstat_call(this,'" + sc_click_dir + "');"; |
| | var final_body = insert + body; |
| | var ev_head = "new Function ("; |
| | var ev_params = ''; |
| | var ev_sep = ''; |
| | for( var sc_i = 0; sc_i < plist.length; sc_i++ ) { |
| | ev_params = ev_sep + "'" + plist[sc_i] + "'"; |
| | ev_sep = ','; |
| | } |
| | if( ev_sep == ',' ) { |
| | ev_params += ','; |
| | } |
| | var ev_foot = "final_body);"; |
| | var ev_final = ev_head + ev_params + ev_foot; |
| | anchor.onmousedown = eval( ev_final ); |
| | } else { |
| | anchor.onmousedown = new Function( "event", "sc_clickstat_call(this,'" + sc_click_dir + "');return true;" ); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | function sc_none() { |
| | return; |
| | } |
| | function sc_clickstat_call( adata, sc_click_dir ) { |
| | if( adata ) { |
| | var clickmode = 0; |
| | if( lnk.test( adata ) ) { |
| | if( ( lnklocal.test( adata ) ) ) { |
| | if( dl.test( adata ) ) { |
| | clickmode = 1; |
| | } else { |
| | if( sc_cls == 2 ) { |
| | clickmode = 2; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } else { |
| | clickmode = 2; |
| | } |
| | } |
| | if( clickmode != 0 ) { |
| | var sc_link = escape( adata ); |
| | if( sc_link.length > 0 ) { |
| | var sc_req = sc_click_dir + 'click.gif?sc_project=' + clickstat_project + '&security=' + clickstat_security + '&c=' + sc_link + '&m=' + clickmode + '&rand=' + Math.random(); |
| | var sc_req_image = new Image( 1, 1 ); |
| | sc_req_image.onload = sc_none; |
| | sc_req_image.src = sc_req; |
| | var d = typeof( window.sc_delay ) != 'undefined' ? sc_delay : 250; |
| | var n = new Date(); |
| | var t = n.getTime() + d; |
| | while( n.getTime() < t ) { |
| | var n = new Date(); |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
| | |
| | // </nowiki></pre> |
| /*</pre>*/ | | /*</pre>*/ |