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| == Links == | | == Links == |
| [http://spademanns.wikia.com Official homepage of Spademanns Leksikon. (Only useful if you are one of the 0,093% of the users on Uncyclopedia there can read danish)] | | [http://spademanns.wikia.com Official homepage of Spademanns Leksikon. (Only useful if you are one of the 0,093% of the users on Uncyclopedia who can read danish or like naughty pictures)] |
Versionen fra 14. feb. 2008, 21:44
For at ubrede kendskabet til Spademanns Leksikon noget mere, må vi bruge regeringens strategi med at kaste sig ned på knæ og slikke støver på amerikanerne, for at opnå vores mål. Jeg har her et udkast til en engelsksproget artikel om Spademanns Leksikon. Fortæl mig hvad i synes, og hvad der skal tilføjes. --Det onde U 14. feb 2008, 17:44 (UTC)
Fin idé. - Har lige rettet et par slaveslåfejl. Og lige en linje om hende den lækre... *suk* -hun er nu et godt skår! ;-) --DJ Platon 14. feb 2008, 18:09 (UTC)
Hvis vi rigtig skal fedte må vi jo også lige nævne vores mærkværdige forhold til Gud.--Frode Fenis 14. feb 2008, 18:54 (UTC)
Spademanns Leksikon is the danish counterpart of Uncyclopedia. Despite being almost 100% identical to all the other versions of Uncyclopedia, Spademanns Leksikon uses a few original ideas and ways of thought, which of course is very dangerous and preposterous.
The users of Spademanns Leksikon, calls them self "Spademænd". They write and speak
in danish humor only, and are therefore impossible to speak with. Seriously! Don't even try! They will ask, if you can write "Rød grød med økologisk fløde" for no particular reason at all!
Things to notice
- OMFG! No Oscar Wilde!?? - Yes. That is right! The users of Spademanns Leksikon has forsaken Oscar Wilde a very long time ago, and instead they use all their time worshiping and quoting some unknown fairytale writer with a big nose and a big hat, who also is gay.
- Where is Sophia??!? Well, on Uncyclopedia off course!! Instead the Spademænd worships the cute girl from the parallel class.
- God only knows Barry White! - You would not believe that God means a lot to spademænd. In fact God happens to be a reincarnation of the most honourable Mr. Gud - God knows that only a small amount of our readers remember Mr White as a human being.
- A whole lot of talk about sausages - In many places on Spademanns Leksikon the phrase "Hej! Vil du have en pølse?" appears. When translated, the phase means something down the line of: "Hello, do you want a sausage?". If some user asks you this question, it is important that you say no. The phrase is in fact a surprisingly clever trap, designed to trick troublemakers, who will get their asses banned, if they answer yes.
Official homepage of Spademanns Leksikon. (Only useful if you are one of the 0,093% of the users on Uncyclopedia who can read danish or like naughty pictures)
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